Monday, September 24, 2018

Activity for Week of  September 24, 2018

Monday:  Reviewed content of notebook
                The test was suppose to be today; however, I apologized
                that the content of the notebook was only put up today.
                The test is now TOMORROW.

                Check notebooks:  content, questions, and summary
                            Notebooks are due on TEST day.

Tuesday:  Test day

Wednesday: Unit 1 Section 2

Thursday: Community Meeting

Friday: Junior Achievment

Quiz Chapter 1 Section 1 -- Content


Scientist who focuses on human society

A scientist who hunts for evidence buried in the ground

Things made by humans like weapons and tools.

Tame animal for human use

The development of different kinds of jobs

Hominid found by American Donald Johanson.

Old Stone Age (Paleolithic)
Early humans spent most of their time searching for food.
The human artifacts marking the hunter-gatherer society are stone tools and weapons.

Why Was Farming Important?

Neolithic Age:  Agricultural Revolution
People began to farm, build communities, and trade.

The Growth of Villages:  Jericho
The Growth of Villages:
Catal Huyuk  (chah*tahl hoo*yook)
  • early human communities in the Middle East.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Stone Age Story

  1. Pick a Stone Age:  Paleolithic, Mesolithic, or Neolithic
  2. Your character can be a man or woman.
  3. Identify 3 facts from the textbook.  Make sure you know the page number.
  4. Using all this information, write what the character did for a day.
  5. Grammar must be correct.  
(Extra Credit:  Picture included)
For example, here is a start,

I am a man in the Paleolithic Age.  Today, I started the day with making a flint spearhead.  (p. 126) I had a hard time finding a stone that I could use to chip the flint.   

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Activity for Week of September 17, 2018
Monday: Unit 1 Section 1

Tuesday: Unit 1 Section 1
                P5: Writing a Stone Age story
                  Due: Friday September 20, 2018

Wednesday:  P1 - Unit 1 Section 1
                     P5 - Enrichment Video

Thursday:  Community Meeting
                  Period 1: Writing a Stone Age story
                  Due: Friday September 21, 2018

Friday: Junior Achievement--Global Marketplace

Activity Week of September 10, 2018

Monday - Wednesday:  Unit 1 Section 1
Thursday -  Community Meeting
Friday - Unit 1 Secrtion 1

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Activity for Week of September 4, 2018

Monday:  Holiday

Tuesday: Cornell Notes on Chapter 1 Section 1: Early Humans

Wednesday:  Cornell Notes on Chapter 1 Section 1: Early Humans

Thursday: Community Meeting

Friday:  Cornell Notes on Chapter 1 Section 1: Early Humans